Source code for cosmoTransitions.finiteT

This module provides the functions for the one-loop finite
temperature corrections to a potential in QFT.  The two basic
functions are:

    Jb(x) = int[0->inf] dy +y^2 log( 1 - exp(-sqrt(x^2 + y^2)) )

    Jf(x) = int[0->inf] dy -y^2 log( 1 + exp(-sqrt(x^2 + y^2)) )

Call them by:

    Jb(x, approx='high', deriv=0, n = 8)

Here, approx can either be 'exact', 'spline', 'high', or 'low'.
Exact calculates the integral numerically, while high and low
calculate the high and low x expansions of J to order n.
Specify the derivative with the 'deriv' parameter.

import os

import numpy
from scipy import integrate, interpolate
from scipy import special
from scipy.misc import factorial as fac

pi = numpy.pi
euler_gamma = 0.577215661901532
log, exp, sqrt = numpy.log, numpy.exp, numpy.sqrt
array = numpy.array

spline_data_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)

# The following are the exact integrals:

def _Jf_exact(x):
    f = lambda y: -y*y*log(1+exp(-sqrt(y*y+x*x)))
    if(x.imag == 0):
        x = abs(x)
        return integrate.quad(f, 0, numpy.inf)[0]
        f1 = lambda y: -y*y*log(2*abs(numpy.cos(sqrt(abs(x*x)-y*y)/2)))
        return (
            integrate.quad(f1,0,abs(x))[0] +

def _Jf_exact2(theta):
    # Note that this is a function of theta so that you can get negative values
    f = lambda y: -y*y*log(1+exp(-sqrt(y*y+theta))).real
    if theta >= 0:
        return integrate.quad(f, 0, numpy.inf)[0]
        f1 = lambda y: -y*y*log(2*abs(numpy.cos(sqrt(-theta-y*y)/2)))
        return (
            integrate.quad(f, abs(theta)**.5, numpy.inf)[0] +
            integrate.quad(f1, 0, abs(theta)**.5)[0]

def _Jb_exact(x):
    f = lambda y: y*y*log(1-exp(-sqrt(y*y+x*x)))
    if(x.imag == 0):
        x = abs(x)
        return integrate.quad(f, 0, numpy.inf)[0]
        f1 = lambda y: y*y*log(2*abs(numpy.sin(sqrt(abs(x*x)-y*y)/2)))
        return (
            integrate.quad(f1,0,abs(x))[0] +

def _Jb_exact2(theta):
    # Note that this is a function of theta so that you can get negative values
    f = lambda y: y*y*log(1-exp(-sqrt(y*y+theta))).real
    if theta >= 0:
        return integrate.quad(f, 0, numpy.inf)[0]
        f1 = lambda y: y*y*log(2*abs(numpy.sin(sqrt(-theta-y*y)/2)))
        return (
            integrate.quad(f, abs(theta)**.5, numpy.inf)[0] +
            integrate.quad(f1, 0, abs(theta)**.5)[0]

def _dJf_exact(x):
    f = lambda y: y*y*(exp(sqrt(y*y+x*x))+1)**-1*x/sqrt(y*y+x*x)
    return integrate.quad(f, 0, numpy.inf)[0]

def _dJb_exact(x):
    f = lambda y: y*y*(exp(sqrt(y*y+x*x))-1)**-1*x/sqrt(y*y+x*x)
    return integrate.quad(f, 0, numpy.inf)[0]

def arrayFunc(f, x, typ=float):
    # This function allows a 1D array to be passed to something that
    # normally can't handle it
    i = 0
        n = len(x)
        return f(x)  # x isn't an array
    s = numpy.empty(n, typ)
    while(i < n):
            s[i] = f(x[i])
            s[i] = numpy.NaN
        i += 1
    return s

[docs]def Jf_exact(x): """Jf calculated directly from the integral.""" return arrayFunc(_Jf_exact, x, complex)
[docs]def Jf_exact2(theta): """Jf calculated directly form the integral; input is theta = x^2.""" return arrayFunc(_Jf_exact2, theta)
[docs]def Jb_exact(x): """Jb calculated directly from the integral.""" return arrayFunc(_Jb_exact, x)
[docs]def Jb_exact2(theta): """Jb calculated directly form the integral; input is theta = x^2.""" return arrayFunc(_Jb_exact2, theta)
[docs]def dJf_exact(x): """dJf/dx calculated directly from the integral.""" return arrayFunc(_dJf_exact, x)
[docs]def dJb_exact(x): """dJb/dx calculated directly from the integral.""" return arrayFunc(_dJb_exact, x)
# Spline fitting, Jf _xfmin = -6.82200203 # -11.2403168 _xfmax = 1.35e3 _Jf_dat_path = spline_data_path+"/finiteT_f.dat.txt" if os.path.exists(_Jf_dat_path): _xf, _yf = numpy.loadtxt(_Jf_dat_path).T else: # x = |xmin|*sinh(y), where y in linear # (so that we're not overpopulating the uniteresting region) _xf = numpy.linspace(numpy.arcsinh(-1.3*20), numpy.arcsinh(-20*_xfmax/_xfmin), 1000) _xf = abs(_xfmin)*numpy.sinh(_xf)/20 _yf = Jf_exact2(_xf) numpy.savetxt(_Jf_dat_path, numpy.array([_xf, _yf]).T) _tckf = interpolate.splrep(_xf, _yf)
[docs]def Jf_spline(X,n=0): """Jf interpolated from a saved spline. Input is (m/T)^2.""" X = numpy.array(X, copy=False) x = X.ravel() y = interpolate.splev(x,_tckf, der=n).ravel() y[x < _xfmin] = interpolate.splev(_xfmin,_tckf, der=n) y[x > _xfmax] = 0 return y.reshape(X.shape)
# Spline fitting, Jb _xbmin = -3.72402637 # We're setting the lower acceptable bound as the point where it's a minimum # This guarantees that it's a monatonically increasing function, and the first # deriv is continuous. _xbmax = 1.41e3 _Jb_dat_path = spline_data_path+"/finiteT_b.dat.txt" if os.path.exists(_Jb_dat_path): _xb, _yb = numpy.loadtxt(_Jb_dat_path).T else: # x = |xmin|*sinh(y), where y in linear # (so that we're not overpopulating the uniteresting region) _xb = numpy.linspace(numpy.arcsinh(-1.3*20), numpy.arcsinh(-20*_xbmax/_xbmin), 1000) _xb = abs(_xbmin)*numpy.sinh(_xb)/20 _yb = Jb_exact2(_xb) numpy.savetxt(_Jb_dat_path, numpy.array([_xb, _yb]).T) _tckb = interpolate.splrep(_xb, _yb)
[docs]def Jb_spline(X,n=0): """Jb interpolated from a saved spline. Input is (m/T)^2.""" X = numpy.array(X, copy=False) x = X.ravel() y = interpolate.splev(x,_tckb, der=n).ravel() y[x < _xbmin] = interpolate.splev(_xbmin,_tckb, der=n) y[x > _xbmax] = 0 return y.reshape(X.shape)
# Now for the low x expansion (require that n <= 50) a,b,c,d = -pi**4/45, pi*pi/12, -pi/6, -1/32. logab = 1.5 - 2*euler_gamma + 2*log(4*pi) l = numpy.arange(50)+1 g = (-2*pi**3.5 * (-1)**l*(1+special.zetac(2*l+1)) * special.gamma(l+.5)/(fac(l+2)*(2*pi)**(2*l+4))) lowCoef_b = (a,b,c,d,logab,l,g) del (a,b,c,d,logab,l,g) # clean up name space a,b,d = -7*pi**4/360, pi*pi/24, 1/32. logaf = 1.5 - 2*euler_gamma + 2*log(pi) l = numpy.arange(50)+1 g = (.25*pi**3.5 * (-1)**l*(1+special.zetac(2*l+1)) * special.gamma(l+.5)*(1-.5**(2*l+1))/(fac(l+2)*pi**(2*l+4))) lowCoef_f = (a,b,d,logaf,l,g) del (a,b,d,logaf,l,g) # clean up name space
[docs]def Jb_low(x,n=20): """Jb calculated using the low-x (high-T) expansion.""" (a,b,c,d,logab,l,g) = lowCoef_b y = a + x*x*(b + x*(c + d*x*(numpy.nan_to_num(log(x*x)) - logab))) i = 1 while i <= n: y += g[i-1]*x**(2*i+4) i += 1 return y
[docs]def Jf_low(x,n=20): """Jf calculated using the low-x (high-T) expansion.""" (a,b,d,logaf,l,g) = lowCoef_f y = a + x*x*(b + d*x*x*(numpy.nan_to_num(log(x*x)) - logaf)) i = 1 while i <= n: y += g[i-1]*x**(2*i+4) i += 1 return y
# The next few functions are all for the high approximation def x2K2(k,x): y = -x*x*, k*x)/(k*k) if(isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray)): y[x == 0] = numpy.ones(len(y[x == 0]))*-2.0/k**4 elif(x == 0): return -2.0/k**4 return y def dx2K2(k,x): y = abs(x) return numpy.nan_to_num(x*y*,k*y)/k) def d2x2K2(k,x): x = abs(x) y = numpy.nan_to_num(x*(,k*x)/k - x*,k*x))) if(isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray)): y[x == 0] = numpy.ones(len(y[x == 0]))*1.0/k**2 elif(x == 0): return 1.0/k**2 return y def d3x2K2(k,x): y = abs(x) return numpy.nan_to_num(x*(y*k*,k*y) - 3*,k*y)))
[docs]def Jb_high(x, deriv=0, n=8): """Jb calculated using the high-x (low-T) expansion.""" K = (x2K2, dx2K2, d2x2K2, d3x2K2)[deriv] y, k = 0.0, 1 while k <= n: y += K(k,x) k += 1 return y
[docs]def Jf_high(x, deriv=0, n=8): """Jf calculated using the high-x (low-T) expansion.""" K = (x2K2, dx2K2, d2x2K2, d3x2K2)[deriv] y, k, i = 0.0, 1, 1 while k <= n: y += i*K(k,x) i *= -1 k += 1 return y
# And here are the final functions: # Note that if approx = 'spline', the function called is # J(theta) (x^2 -> theta so you can get negative mass squared)
[docs]def Jb(x, approx='high', deriv=0, n=8): """ A shorthand for calling one of the Jb functions above. Parameters ---------- approx : str, optional One of 'exact', 'high', 'low', or 'spline'. deriv : int, optional The order of the derivative (0 for no derivative). Must be <= (1, 3, 0, 3) for approx = (exact, high, low, spline). n : int, optional Number of terms to use in the low and high-T approximations. """ if(approx == 'exact'): if(deriv == 0): return Jb_exact(x) elif(deriv == 1): return dJb_exact(x) else: raise ValueError("For approx=='exact', deriv must be 0 or 1.") elif(approx == 'spline'): return Jb_spline(x, deriv) elif(approx == 'low'): if(n > 100): raise ValueError("Must have n <= 100") if(deriv == 0): return Jb_low(x,n) else: raise ValueError("For approx=='low', deriv must be 0.") elif(approx == 'high'): if(deriv > 3): raise ValueError("For approx=='high', deriv must be 3 or less.") else: return Jb_high(x, deriv, n) raise ValueError("Unexpected value for 'approx'.")
[docs]def Jf(x, approx='high', deriv=0, n=8): """ A shorthand for calling one of the Jf functions above. Parameters ---------- approx : str, optional One of 'exact', 'high', 'low', or 'spline'. deriv : int, optional The order of the derivative (0 for no derivative). Must be <= (1, 3, 0, 3) for approx = (exact, high, low, spline). n : int, optional Number of terms to use in the low and high-T approximations. """ if(approx == 'exact'): if(deriv == 0): return Jf_exact(x) elif(deriv == 1): return dJf_exact(x) else: raise ValueError("For approx=='exact', deriv must be 0 or 1.") elif(approx == 'spline'): return Jf_spline(x, deriv) elif(approx == 'low'): if(n > 100): raise ValueError("Must have n <= 100") if(deriv == 0): return Jf_low(x,n) else: raise ValueError("For approx=='low', deriv must be 0.") elif(approx == 'high'): if(deriv > 3): raise ValueError("For approx=='high', deriv must be 3 or less.") else: return Jf_high(x, deriv, n) raise ValueError("Unexpected value for 'approx'.")