Source code for cosmoTransitions.helper_functions

A collection of (mostly) stand alone helper functions.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np

import sys
if sys.version_info >= (3,0):
    xrange = range

Miscellaneous functions

[docs]def setDefaultArgs(func, **kwargs): """ Changes the default args in `func` to match `kwargs`. This can be useful when dealing with deeply nested functions for which the default parameters cannot be set directly in the top-level function. Raises ------ ValueError if `func` does not have default arguments that match `kwargs`. Example ------- >>> def foo(bar="Hello world!"): ... print bar >>> setDefaultArgs(foo, bar="The world has changed!") >>> foo() The world has changed! """ import inspect args, varargs, varkwargs, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func) have_defaults = args[-len(defaults):] defaults = list(defaults) # so that we can write to it for kwd in kwargs: try: i = have_defaults.index(kwd) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Function '%s()' does not have default argument " "named '%s'." % (func.__name__, kwd)) defaults[i] = kwargs[kwd] func.__defaults__ = tuple(defaults)
[docs]def monotonicIndices(x): """ Returns the indices of `x` such that `x[i]` is purely increasing. """ x = np.array(x) if x[0] > x[-1]: x = x[::-1] is_reversed = True else: is_reversed = False I = [0] for i in xrange(1, len(x)-1): if x[i] > x[I[-1]] and x[i] < x[-1]: I.append(i) I.append(len(x)-1) if is_reversed: return len(x)-1-np.array(I) else: return np.array(I)
[docs]def clampVal(x, a, b): """ Clamp the value `x` to be between `a` and `b`. Parameters ---------- x, a, b : array_like Must have the same shape or be broadcastable. Returns ------- array_like """ s = np.sign(b-a) # +1 for b > a, -1 for b < a sa = 1+s*np.sign(x-a) x = (x*sa + a*(2-sa)) // 2 sb = 1+s*np.sign(b-x) x = (x*sb + b*(2-sb)) // 2 return x
""" Numerical integration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ """
[docs]class IntegrationError(Exception): """ Used to indicate an integration error, primarily in :func:`rkqs`. """ pass
_rkqs_rval = namedtuple("rkqs_rval", "Delta_y Delta_t dtnxt")
[docs]def rkqs(y,dydt,t,f, dt_try, epsfrac, epsabs, args=()): """ Take a single 5th order Runge-Kutta step with error monitoring. This function is adapted from Numerical Recipes in C. The step size dynamically changes such that the error in `y` is smaller than the larger of `epsfrac` and `epsabs`. That way, if one wants to disregard the fractional error, set `epsfrac` to zero but keep `epsabs` non-zero. Parameters ---------- y, dydt : array_like The initial value and its derivative at the start of the step. They should satisfy ``dydt = f(y,t)``. `dydt` is included here for efficiency (in case the calling function already calculated it). t : float The integration variable. f : callable The derivative function. dt_try : float An initial guess for the step size. epsfrac, epsabs : array_like The maximual fractional and absolute errors. Should be either length 1 or the same size as `y`. args : tuple Optional arguments for `f`. Returns ------- Delta_y : array_like Change in `y` during this step. Delta_t : float Change in `t` during this step. dtnext : float Best guess for next step size. Raises ------ IntegrationError If the step size gets smaller than the floating point error. References ---------- Based on algorithms described in [1]_. .. [1] W. H. Press, et. al. "Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing. Second Edition." Cambridge, 1992. """ dt = dt_try while True: dy,yerr = _rkck(y,dydt,t,f,dt,args) errmax = np.nan_to_num(np.max(np.min([ abs(yerr/epsabs), abs(yerr)/((abs(y)+1e-300)*epsfrac) ], axis=0))) if(errmax < 1.0): break # Step succeeded dttemp = 0.9*dt*errmax**-.25 dt = max(dttemp,dt*.1) if dt > 0 else min(dttemp,dt*.1) if t + dt == t: raise IntegrationError("Stepsize rounds down to zero.") if errmax > 1.89e-4: dtnext = 0.9 * dt * errmax**-.2 else: dtnext = 5*dt return _rkqs_rval(dy, dt, dtnext)
[docs]def rkqs2(y,dydt,t,f, dt_try, inv_epsabs, args=()): """ Same as :func:`rkqs`, but ``inv_epsabs = 1/epsabs`` and ``epsfrac`` is not used. """ dt = dt_try while True: dy,yerr = _rkck(y,dydt,t,f,dt,args) errmax = np.max(yerr * inv_epsabs) if(errmax < 1.0): break # Step succeeded dttemp = 0.9*dt*errmax**-.25 dt = max(dttemp,dt*.1) if dt > 0 else min(dttemp,dt*.1) if t+dt == t: raise IntegrationError("Stepsize rounds down to zero.") if errmax > 1.89e-4: dtnext = 0.9 * dt * errmax**-.2 else: dtnext = 5*dt return _rkqs_rval(dy, dt, dtnext)
def _rkck(y,dydt,t,f,dt,args=()): """ Take one 5th-order Cash-Karp Runge-Kutta step. Returns ------- array_like The change in `y` during this step. array_like An error estimate for `y`. """ a2=0.2;a3=0.3;a4=0.6;a5=1.0;a6=0.875;b21=0.2 # noqa b31=3.0/40.0;b32=9.0/40.0;b41=0.3;b42 = -0.9;b43=1.2; # noqa b51 = -11.0/54.0; b52=2.5;b53 = -70.0/27.0;b54=35.0/27.0; # noqa b61=1631.0/55296.0;b62=175.0/512.0;b63=575.0/13824.0; # noqa b64=44275.0/110592.0;b65=253.0/4096.0;c1=37.0/378.0; # noqa c3=250.0/621.0;c4=125.0/594.0;c6=512.0/1771.0; # noqa dc5 = -277.00/14336.0; # noqa dc1=c1-2825.0/27648.0;dc3=c3-18575.0/48384.0; # noqa dc4=c4-13525.0/55296.0;dc6=c6-0.25 # noqa ytemp = y+b21*dt*dydt ak2 = f(ytemp, t+a2*dt, *args) ytemp = y+dt*(b31*dydt+b32*ak2) ak3 = f(ytemp, t+a3*dt, *args) ytemp = y+dt*(b41*dydt+b42*ak2+b43*ak3) ak4 = f(ytemp, t+a4*dt, *args) ytemp = y + dt*(b51*dydt+b52*ak2+b53*ak3+b54*ak4) ak5 = f(ytemp, t+a5*dt, *args) ytemp = y + dt*(b61*dydt+b62*ak2+b63*ak3+b64*ak4+b65*ak5) ak6 = f(ytemp, t+a6*dt, *args) dyout = dt*(c1*dydt+c3*ak3+c4*ak4+c6*ak6) yerr = dt*(dc1*dydt+dc3*ak3+dc4*ak4+dc5*ak5+dc6*ak6) return dyout, yerr """ Numerical derivatives ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The *derivij()* functions accept arrays as input and return arrays as output. In contrast, :class:`gradientFunction` and :class:hessianFunction` accept functions as input and return callable class instances (essentially functions) as output. The returned functions can then be used to find derivatives. """
[docs]def deriv14(y,x): R""" Calculates :math:`dy/dx` to fourth-order in :math:`\Delta x` using finite differences. The derivative is taken along the last dimension of `y`. Both `y` and `x` should be numpy arrays. The derivatives are centered in the interior of the array, but not at the edges. The spacing in `x` does not need to be uniform. """ n = len(x) j = np.arange(5) j[j > 4//2] -= 5 i = np.arange(n) - j[:,np.newaxis] i[i < 0] += 5 i[i >= n] -= 5 d1 = x[i[1]]-x[i[0]] d2 = x[i[2]]-x[i[0]] d3 = x[i[3]]-x[i[0]] d4 = x[i[4]]-x[i[0]] w4 = (d1*d2*d3) / ( -d4 * (-d1*d2*d3 + d4 * (d1*d2+d2*d3+d3*d1 + d4 * (+d4-d1-d2-d3)))) w3 = (d1*d2*d4) / ( -d3 * (-d1*d2*d4 + d3 * (d1*d2+d2*d4+d4*d1 + d3 * (-d4-d1-d2+d3)))) w2 = (d1*d4*d3) / ( -d2 * (-d1*d4*d3 + d2 * (d1*d4+d4*d3+d3*d1 + d2 * (-d4-d1+d2-d3)))) w1 = (d4*d2*d3) / ( -d1 * (-d4*d2*d3 + d1 * (d4*d2+d2*d3+d3*d4 + d1 * (-d4+d1-d2-d3)))) w0 = -(w1+w2+w3+w4) dy = (w0*y[...,i[0]] + w1*y[...,i[1]] + w2*y[...,i[2]] + w3*y[...,i[3]] + w4*y[...,i[4]]) return dy
[docs]def deriv14_const_dx(y, dx=1.0): R""" Calculates :math:`dy/dx` to fourth-order in :math:`\Delta x` using finite differences. The derivative is taken along the last dimension of `y`. The output of this function should be identical to :func:`deriv14` when the spacing in `x` is constant, but this will be faster. Parameters ---------- y : array_like dx : float, optional """ y = y.T # now the derivative is along the first dimension dy = np.empty_like(y) dy[2:-2] = y[:-4] - 8*y[1:-3] + 8*y[3:-1] - y[4:] dy[+0] = -25*y[+0] + 48*y[+1] - 36*y[+2] + 16*y[+3] - 3*y[+4] dy[+1] = -3*y[+0] - 10*y[+1] + 18*y[+2] - 6*y[+3] + y[+4] dy[-2] = +3*y[-1] + 10*y[-2] - 18*y[-3] + 6*y[-4] - y[-5] dy[-1] = +25*y[-1] - 48*y[-2] + 36*y[-3] - 16*y[-4] + 3*y[-5] return dy.T / (12.0 * dx)
[docs]def deriv1n(y,x,n): """ Calculates :math:`dy/dx` to nth-order in :math:`\Delta x` using finite differences. The derivative is taken along the last dimension of `y`. Both `y` and `x` should be numpy arrays. The derivatives are centered in the interior of the array, but not at the edges. The spacing in `x` does not need to be uniform. """ nx = len(x) j = np.arange(n+1) j[j > n//2] -= n+1 i = np.arange(nx) - j[:,np.newaxis] i[i < 0] += n+1 i[i >= nx] -= n+1 d = np.empty((n,n,nx), dtype=x.dtype)*1.0 d[0] = x[i[1:]] - x[i[0]] for j in xrange(1,n): d[j] = np.roll(d[j-1], -1, axis=0) d[:,0] *= -1 w = np.zeros((n+1,nx), dtype=y.dtype)*1. # For example, when calculating w[1], we need only use # w[1]: d1 = d[0,0], d2 = d[0,1], d3 = d[0,2], ..., dn = d[0,n-1] # and for the other weights we just increment the first index: # w[2]: d2 = d[1,0], d3 = d[1,1], d4 = d[1,2], ..., dn = d[1,n-2], # d1 = d[1,n-1] # So we should be able to calculate all of them at once like this. s = ((2**np.arange(n-1)) & np.arange(2**(n-1))[:,np.newaxis]) s[s > 0] = (np.arange(1,n) * np.ones(2**(n-1))[:,np.newaxis])[s > 0] w[1:] = (np.sum(np.product(d[:,s],axis=2), axis=1)*d[:,0] / np.product(d[:,1:], axis=1)) w[1:] = -w[1:]**-1 w[0] = -np.sum(w[1:],axis=0) dy = np.sum(w*y[...,i], axis=-2) return dy
[docs]def deriv23(y,x): """ Calculates :math:`d^2y/dx^2` to third-order in :math:`\Delta x` using finite differences. The derivative is taken along the last dimension of `y`. Both `y` and `x` should be numpy arrays. The derivatives are centered in the interior of the array, but not at the edges. The spacing in `x` does not need to be uniform. The accuracy increases to fourth-order if the spacing is uniform. """ n = len(x) j = np.arange(5) j[j > 4//2] -= 5 i = np.arange(n) - j[:,np.newaxis] i[i < 0] += 5 i[i >= n] -= 5 d1 = x[i[1]]-x[i[0]] d2 = x[i[2]]-x[i[0]] d3 = x[i[3]]-x[i[0]] d4 = x[i[4]]-x[i[0]] w4 = 2*(d1*d2+d2*d3+d3*d1) / ( d4 * (-d1*d2*d3 + d4 * (d1*d2+d2*d3+d3*d1 + d4 * (+d4-d1-d2-d3) ) ) ) w3 = 2*(d1*d2+d2*d4+d4*d1) / ( d3 * (-d1*d2*d4 + d3 * (d1*d2+d2*d4+d4*d1 + d3 * (-d4-d1-d2+d3) ) ) ) w2 = 2*(d1*d4+d4*d3+d3*d1) / ( d2 * (-d1*d4*d3 + d2 * (d1*d4+d4*d3+d3*d1 + d2 * (-d4-d1+d2-d3) ) ) ) w1 = 2*(d4*d2+d2*d3+d3*d4) / ( d1 * (-d4*d2*d3 + d1 * (d4*d2+d2*d3+d3*d4 + d1 * (-d4+d1-d2-d3) ) ) ) w0 = -(w1+w2+w3+w4) d2y = (w0*y[...,i[0]] + w1*y[...,i[1]] + w2*y[...,i[2]] + w3*y[...,i[3]] + w4*y[...,i[4]]) return d2y
[docs]def deriv23_const_dx(y, dx=1.0): """ Calculates :math:`d^2y/dx^2` to third-order in :math:`\Delta x` using finite differences. The derivative is taken along the last dimension of `y`. The output of this function should be identical to :func:`deriv23` when the spacing in `x` is constant, but this will be faster. Parameters ---------- y : array_like dx : float, optional """ y = y.T # now the derivative is along the first dimension dy = np.empty_like(y) dy[2:-2] = -y[:-4] + 16*y[1:-3] - 30*y[2:-2] + 16*y[3:-1] - y[4:] dy[+0] = 35*y[+0] - 104*y[+1] + 114*y[+2] - 56*y[+3] + 11*y[+4] dy[+1] = 11*y[+0] - 20*y[+1] + 6*y[+2] + 4*y[+3] - y[+4] dy[-2] = 11*y[-1] - 20*y[-2] + 6*y[-3] + 4*y[-4] - y[-5] dy[-1] = 35*y[-1] - 104*y[-2] + 114*y[-3] - 56*y[-4] + 11*y[-5] return dy.T / (12.0 * dx)
[docs]class gradientFunction: """ Make a function which returns the gradient of some scalar function. Parameters ---------- f : callable The first argument `x` should either be a single point with length `Ndim` or an array (or matrix, etc.) of points with shape ``(..., Ndim)``, where ``...`` is some arbitrary shape. The return shape should be the same as the input shape, but with the last axis stripped off (i.e., it should be a scalar function). Additional required or optional arguments are allowed. eps : float or array_like The small change in `x` used to calculate the finite differences. Can either be a scalar or have length `Ndim`. Ndim : int Number of dimensions for each point. order : 2 or 4 Calculate the derivatives to either 2nd or 4th order in `eps`. Example ------- >>> def f(X): ... x,y = np.asarray(X).T ... return (x*x + x*y +3.*y*y*y).T >>> df = gradientFunction(f, eps=.01, Ndim=2, order=4) >>> x = np.array([[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]]) >>> print df(x) array([[ 0., 0.], [ 1., 9.], [ 2., 1.], [ 3., 10.]]) """ def __init__(self, f, eps, Ndim, order=4): assert order == 2 or order == 4 eps = np.asanyarray(eps) dx = np.empty((order, Ndim, Ndim)) dx[:] = np.diag(np.ones(Ndim)*eps) dxT = dx.T coef = np.empty((order, Ndim)) coef[:] = 1.0/eps coefT = coef.T if order == 2: dxT *= [-1, 1] coefT *= [-.5, .5] if order == 4: dxT *= [-2, -1, 1, 2] coefT *= [1, -8, 8, -1] coefT /= 12.0 self.f = f self.dx = dx self.coef = coef
[docs] def __call__(self, x, *args, **kwargs): """ Calculate the gradient. Output shape is the same as the input shape. """ x = np.asanyarray(x)[...,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:] return np.sum(self.f(x+self.dx, *args, **kwargs)*self.coef, axis=-2)
[docs]class hessianFunction: """ Make a function which returns the Hessian (second derivative) matrix of some scalar function. Parameters ---------- f : callable The first argument `x` should either be a single point with length `Ndim` or an array (or matrix, etc.) of points with shape ``(..., Ndim)``, where ``...`` is some arbitrary shape. The return shape should be the same as the input shape, but with the last axis stripped off (i.e., it should be a scalar function). Additional required or optional arguments are allowed. eps : float or array_like The small change in `x` used to calculate the finite differences. Can either be a scalar or have length `Ndim`. Ndim : int Number of dimensions for each point. order : 2 or 4 Calculate the derivatives to either 2nd or 4th order in `eps`. """ def __init__(self, f, eps, Ndim, order=4): assert order == 2 or order == 4 eps = np.ones(Ndim) * eps dx = [] coef = [] for i in xrange(Ndim): dx.append([]) coef.append([]) for j in xrange(i): dx_ = np.zeros((order, order, Ndim)) if (order == 2): dx_[:,:,i] = np.array([-1,1]) * eps[i] dx_ = np.rollaxis(dx_, 1) dx_[:,:,j] = np.array([-1,1]) * eps[j] coef_ = np.array([-.5, .5]) coef_ = coef_[:,np.newaxis] * coef_[np.newaxis,:] coef_ /= eps[i]*eps[j] if (order == 4): dx_[:,:,i] = np.array([-2,-1,1,2]) * eps[i] dx_ = np.rollaxis(dx_, 1) dx_[:,:,j] = np.array([-2,-1,1,2]) * eps[j] coef_ = np.array([1, -8, 8, -1.]) coef_ = coef_[:,np.newaxis] * coef_[np.newaxis,:] coef_ /= 144.*eps[i]*eps[j] dx[-1].append(dx_.reshape(order*order, Ndim)) coef[-1].append(coef_.reshape(order*order)) dx_ = np.zeros((order+1, Ndim)) if order == 2: dx_[:,i] = np.array([-1,0,1]) * eps[i] coef_ = np.array([1,-2,1.]) / (eps[i]*eps[i]) if order == 4: dx_[:,i] = np.array([-2,-1,0,1,2]) * eps[i] coef_ = np.array([-1,16,-30,16,-1]) / (eps[i]*eps[i]*12) dx[-1].append(dx_) coef[-1].append(coef_) self.f = f self.coef = coef self.dx = dx self.Ndim = Ndim
[docs] def __call__(self, x, *args, **kwargs): """ Calculate the gradient. Output shape is ``input.shape + (Ndim,)``. """ Ndim = self.Ndim f = self.f coef = self.coef dx = self.dx x = np.asanyarray(x) y = np.empty(x.shape + (Ndim,)) x = x[...,np.newaxis,:] for i in xrange(Ndim): for j in xrange(i): y_ = np.sum(f(x+dx[i][j], *args, **kwargs) * coef[i][j], axis=-1) y[...,i,j] = y[...,j,i] = y_ y[...,i,i] = np.sum(f(x+dx[i][i], *args, **kwargs) * coef[i][i], axis=-1) return y
""" Two-point interpolation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ """
[docs]def makeInterpFuncs(y0, dy0, d2y0, y1, dy1, d2y1): """ Create interpolating functions between two points with a quintic polynomial. If we're given the first and second derivatives of a function at x=0 and x=1, we can make a 5th-order interpolation between the two. """ a0,a1,a2, z,dz,d2z = y0, dy0, 0.5*d2y0, y1, dy1, d2y1 b1,b2,b3 = z-a0-a1-a2, dz-a1-2*a2, d2z-2*a2 a5 = .5*b3 - 3*b2 + 6*b1 a4 = b2 - 3*b1 - 2*a5 a3 = b1 - a4 - a5 coefs = np.array([a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5]) pows = np.arange(6) df = lambda x, c=coefs[1:], p=pows[1:]: np.sum(p*c*x**(p-1)) f = lambda x, c=coefs, p=pows: np.sum(c*x**p) return f, df
[docs]class cubicInterpFunction: """ Create an interpolating function between two points with a cubic polynomial. Like :func:`makeInterpFuncs`, but only uses the first derivatives. """ def __init__(self, y0, dy0, y1, dy1): # Easiest to treat this as a bezier curve y3 = y1 y1 = y0 + dy0/3.0 y2 = y3 - dy1/3.0 self.Y = y0, y1, y2, y3 def __call__(self, t): mt = 1-t y0, y1, y2, y3 = self.Y return y0*mt**3 + 3*y1*mt*mt*t + 3*y2*mt*t*t + y3*t**3
""" Spline interpolation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ """
[docs]def Nbspl(t, x, k=3): """ Calculate the B-spline basis functions for the knots t evaluated at the points x. Parameters ---------- t : array_like An array of knots which define the basis functions. x : array_like The different values at which to calculate the functions. k : int, optional The order of the spline. Must satisfy ``k <= len(t)-2``. Returns ------- array_like Has shape ``(len(x), len(t)-k-1)``. Notes ----- This is fairly speedy, although it does spend a fair amount of time calculating things that will end up being zero. On a 2.5Ghz machine, it takes a few milliseconds to calculate when ``len(x) == 500; len(t) == 20; k == 3``. For more info on basis splines, see e.g. Example ------- .. plot:: :include-source: from cosmoTransitions.helper_functions import Nbspl t = [-1,-1,-1,-1, -.5, 0, .5, 1, 1, 1, 1] x = np.linspace(-1,1,500) y = Nbspl(t,x, k=3) plt.plot(x, y) plt.xlabel(r"$x$") plt.ylabel(r"$y_i(x)$") """ kmax = k if kmax > len(t)-2: raise Exception("Input error in Nbspl: require that k < len(t)-2") t = np.array(t) x = np.array(x)[:, np.newaxis] N = 1.0*((x > t[:-1]) & (x <= t[1:])) for k in xrange(1, kmax+1): dt = t[k:] - t[:-k] _dt = dt.copy() _dt[dt != 0] = 1./dt[dt != 0] N = N[:,:-1]*(x-t[:-k-1])*_dt[:-1] - N[:,1:]*(x-t[k+1:])*_dt[1:] return N
[docs]def Nbspld1(t, x, k=3): """Same as :func:`Nbspl`, but returns the first derivative too.""" kmax = k if kmax > len(t)-2: raise Exception("Input error in Nbspl: require that k < len(t)-2") t = np.array(t) x = np.array(x)[:, np.newaxis] N = 1.0*((x > t[:-1]) & (x <= t[1:])) dN = np.zeros_like(N) for k in xrange(1, kmax+1): dt = t[k:] - t[:-k] _dt = dt.copy() _dt[dt != 0] = 1./dt[dt != 0] dN = dN[:,:-1]*(x-t[:-k-1])*_dt[:-1] - dN[:,1:]*(x-t[k+1:])*_dt[1:] dN += N[:,:-1]*_dt[:-1] - N[:,1:]*_dt[1:] N = N[:,:-1]*(x-t[:-k-1])*_dt[:-1] - N[:,1:]*(x-t[k+1:])*_dt[1:] return N, dN
[docs]def Nbspld2(t, x, k=3): """Same as :func:`Nbspl`, but returns first and second derivatives too.""" kmax = k if kmax > len(t)-2: raise Exception("Input error in Nbspl: require that k < len(t)-2") t = np.array(t) x = np.array(x)[:, np.newaxis] N = 1.0*((x > t[:-1]) & (x <= t[1:])) dN = np.zeros_like(N) d2N = np.zeros_like(N) for k in xrange(1, kmax+1): dt = t[k:] - t[:-k] _dt = dt.copy() _dt[dt != 0] = 1./dt[dt != 0] d2N = d2N[:,:-1]*(x-t[:-k-1])*_dt[:-1] - d2N[:,1:]*(x-t[k+1:])*_dt[1:] \ + 2*dN[:,:-1]*_dt[:-1] - 2*dN[:,1:]*_dt[1:] dN = dN[:,:-1]*(x-t[:-k-1])*_dt[:-1] - dN[:,1:]*(x-t[k+1:])*_dt[1:] \ + N[:,:-1]*_dt[:-1] - N[:,1:]*_dt[1:] N = N[:,:-1]*(x-t[:-k-1])*_dt[:-1] - N[:,1:]*(x-t[k+1:])*_dt[1:] return N, dN, d2N